wht to say?
Thursday, 2 June 2011 | 01:29 | 0 comments
haa,i saw peoples talk about issues in Islam.. man,saya tader berani lah nk kupas isu2 mcm ni,yaaaw,sensitif tahu benda mcm ni,silap ckp ..abes!~ ilmu x der sgt...xberani ah.but for my opinion lah... alchohol dlm perfume bleh pakai aper,arak tu minuman yg memabukkan,we WEAR the perfume,we spray it on our clothe, not drinking it, *oit!jap,ader org minum ker?? xder an??* so it's not something to talk about~ dlm mjlh pun dah ada keluar.okay,stop,x nk kupas bnyk2, *sbb org lain dh kupas dgn lbh mendlm* n i dont have the courage,tkt terslh.. haa,ni nk ckp pasal freehair... urm, pernah dgr x biler ader org ckp, 'u Islam,tpi x tutup aurat' and org tu bls 'common lah,Allah x menilai dari luaran,tpi dlmn' erk O.o oii oiii, ckp tu biar ader insuran lah... dh la x nk ttup aurat, and UR PLAYING AROUND dgn ayat Allah!~ berani amaaattt!~ dh...klu perintah Allah yg simple ni xnk ikut...sah ke yg len... hati keras namernyer 2h. *chop!* sy pun xderlah alim sgt,tpi x ker manis tgk org bertudung, jujurlah nk ckp, org yg freehair ni, sy tgk lbh manis bila mrk bertudung, sdp mata memandang, rimas ker? raser nyer freehair lgi rimas,rambut terbang sana,terbang sini,huhu.. auuw, 'lawa apaer' ader ler yg ckp mcm tuh, lawa ker? =___='' no comment derh! nilai ler sendiri. and for those yg mewarna warnikan rambut tuh,..huiii, trg amat, awk tuh, cri publisiti ker? my friends and i had agreed tht those who's colouring their hair is making the hair become worst!~ yerlah,asyik2 tukar2 kaler rambut... makin kering terkontang ader lah rambut tuh.. huhu...sian kat rambut...xleyh nk freely breath *bernafas* dh,bkn bnyk lagi benda duk cover *himpap2* dyer,lemas kot... cik colour,cik rebonding lah~mcm2.. klu nk rambut sihat,steam sudah lah...xyah nk melawa bagai, n klu nk pakai make up, blh tpi xperlulah foundation tebal 4 inci,ehehe~ biar nampak natural. ha!klu pakai makeup tebal,sah ke ambil air sembahyang? padahal wuduk kena rata ke KULIT anggota badan, yg kene air tu,makeup kot,bkn kulit..so klu shopping ker..bwk ler make up remover,pastu,ha,pakai lah blk... pasal contact lens plak....ada org ckp ada warna yg xleh dpkai,sbb menyamai dgn warna mata bakal penduduk ahli neraka,mahu ker? hurm,last but not least *haha,karangan bi* sori klu ader yg raser nk mrh. sy manusia biasa,n i'm not perfect, please guide me if i'm wrong, and hey,you can talk to me nicely rite? ta mao gado2!~ hihi! chill yah guys! take care ;) |